Monthly Archives February 2023



As a trusted digital marketing resource, we want to encourage our clients to ask questions. Our team of experts wants to teach our clients the basics of analytical analysis. So for February, we will be generating content that helps explain some of the most basic analytical terms. Today we will be discussing what an impression is.


When I was little I never thought I would be studying AI technology or various social networking algorithms but here I am today. Personally, I believe technology has advanced to meet the needs of each user. It encourages marketers to have those tough conversations about branding identity to allow them to tap into the audience they want to target. Algorithms are similar to Google’s crawlers which are ways for AI technology to classify the type of content and send it to viewers with similar interests, or keywords.


When content is created it should be created for a purpose or with intent. Some of the most underperforming campaigns were created without careful consideration of how they would be perceived. An impression is described as each time an individual is shown an advertisement. This shouldn’t be confused with engagement which is when the individual interacts with the content that is presented to them. This is just the study of the number of times your advertisement/post was shown to the public. If you want to learn more about simple analytics don’t hesitate to reach out to our team by calling Esper Creations today at (319) 383-0520.



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Something that drove me to get a job in the marketing industry was the impact you can have as a brand. Nowadays consumers have so many different options when it comes to finding a brand that aligns with their values. This means that brands are expected to create a personalized tactic to grab the attention of the consumer. If not you face losing them to a similar product or even worse the competitor.


Doing a deep dive into social media and google analytics will give you a better understanding of who it is that your business is targeting. What you can then do is separate your marketing tactics into different approaches targeting different subgroups. For each subgroup, you are going to generate different campaigns so that each subgroup is seeing a different personalized message.


One of my favorite examples of this is from the Old Spice Company. They realized that the market of who was actually purchasing these products wasn’t men, but their spouses. Women in America are more often doing household shopping which means they might be picking out the products for their partners. Old Spice realized this by running a market analysis so they changed their approach by getting ads with attractive males saying, Don’t you want your husband to smell like me?


If you are wanting for our team to do a deep dive on your online presences please don’t hesitate to reach out!



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As a trusted digital marketing resource, we want to encourage our clients to ask questions. Our team of experts wants to teach our clients the basics of analytic analysis. So for February, we will be generating content that helps explain some of the most basic analytical terms. Today we are going to be discussing bounce rate which requires additional observations to be able to comprehend what it truly means.


Bounce rate is the observation of a single-page session that gets divided by all sessions. This equals to be a percentage of all sessions that viewed one page and triggered a single request. When looking at this percentage you might be confused is a high score good, or is a low score bad. This depends on the type of website your company has so knowing what your goals allow you to comprehend the data better.


A High Bounce Rate ISN’T good when the website requires viewers to view more than the home page. If you have a high bounce rate on a multiple-page site then it’s telling our team that something on the home page isn’t transitioning the viewer’s focus. If you were to have a website such as a personal blog or if you are a single product business then having a high bounce rate is perfectly normal.


There are certain procedures that I look for when examining a client’s bounce rate so that I know I’m being fair to the client. I utilize different reports to ensure I can diagnose the problem whether it’s certain pages causing the issues or a simple tracking code that needs to be adjusted. If you want to learn more about simple analytics don’t hesitate to reach out to our team by calling Esper Creations today at (319) 383-0520.



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