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Business owners wear multiple hats in a day which means, they might not have the time needed to learn what’s important in today’s marketing world. Just in a short time, business owners were purchasing ad spots in the local phonebook and now that form is obsolete. You might be scratching your head while thinking, “What replaced this form of advertising?


The answer is Google My Business, a business profile that gets added to the directory. What does this mean? Let’s say you own a dine-in restaurant, a potential customer searches “Food Near Me” based on the location your business profile will populate. It is imperative to take the time to set up this feature, as Google shows what Google wants to show.


Setting up this profile is just the first step in getting seen organically on Google. When your business hires our team to manage your directories (Google, Bing, Apple Maps, etc) we will ensure all services provided are documented. This includes creating blog posts, updating images, and ensuring closure dates are reported to the directory.


You might be wondering why is this so important and it’s because Google has total control of what it shows. It evaluates components of the business profile to provide searchers with the best option.


If this sounds daunting and you know your team doesn’t have the time we encourage you to reach out to our team today at (319) 383-0520.



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Importance of Branding


One of the reasons I was drawn to getting a job in the marketing field was how fast the industry changes as technology advances. I’m amazed by the number of new platforms that allow companies to have direct contact with potential clients. As I started gaining professional experience in this field I found that I was drawn to branding. You might be wondering if and why branding is important which is why I am here to assist.


Branding Identity


When I meet with clients who are in the beginning stages of building their company I will ask MANY questions. All of this helps make your brand recognizable so consumers can connect experiences and feelings to it. During the initial meeting, I will gather information such as


  • Do you have any fonts you like?
  • What colors represent your company?
    • Unique colors mean your brand will be recognizable.
  • Does your company have any taglines?
    • A tagline is a statement that gives the consumer some form of an idea of the services that your company offers.

Are you a new business competing in a saturated market and wanting to gain an upper hand? Call Esper Creations today at (319) 383-0520.


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Marketing on a Budget: 8 essential low budget marketing tools for your business

Need a Design?

A great free tool that allows you to create simple, aesthetic graphics with little or no training. Pick graphics for social media, documents, print design, blogs and even advertisements. After, select your text, lines, shapes, and upload your own photos to create aesthetic looking designs that’ll boost engagement up to trifold.

Share As Image.

Got a great quote or event information you want to make into an image? For $8 a month, you can merely highlight text on any site and Share As Image assists you in creating an aesthetic image of your highlighted text via Google Chrome extension. This is especially helpful for Instagram and Pinterest marketing, or a cover photo for a post. Check out a video tutuorial here (link:

Death to the Stock Photo.

Give your brand a unique spice by signing up for monthly photos being sent straight to your inbox. Two photographers pledged to empower the creator and give your one of a kind high resolution stock photos for free. Use these in your content without having to worry about copyright laws or an ridiculous price tag that comes with today’s stock photos. Worst comes to worst, you have some new awesome desktop backgrounds.

Need to Manage Your Tasks?

This free organizational tool is religiously used at Esper Creations. Improve your company’s productivity by giving ownership to projects, setting concrete deadlines, and sharing files in specific, easy to find places. Asana provides a great timeline for everyone on your team, and is a tool that should be implemented no matter the size of your business.

The service is exactly what it sounds like; upload your photo (or image URL) and simply select a pixel in said photo to immediately find its corresponding HEX, RGB, and HSV values. Move over mismatched color schemes, there’s a new sheriff in town and its name is uniformity.

Need to Edit a Photo on Your Phone/Tablet?
Adobe Photoshop Express.

The Photoshop you know and love, but condensed into your phone/tablet and it’s…. wait for it… Free.
Instagram marketers rejoice!

Need to Communicate with Your Team?

One of the industry’s hottest tools, sacrilegious to keep off a comprehensive marketing list. Slack is the AIM of today’s business world if AIM has been working on its productivity muscles since 2007. Create channels, share files, and craft a unique user experience by integrating different applications with your slack app, all while keeping in constant communication with your team. Gone are the days of poor online communication.

Need to Express a Complex Idea?

An intuitive idea mapping tool that displays all of your ideas, tasks or lists in one place. Check out a video tutorial here.

Need to Manage Multiple Social Media Accounts?

The Godfather of social media management, Hootsuite puts all your social media platforms in one place. Hootsuite is the fertilizer that will allow your brand’s online presence to flourish. Engage your audience by connecting with them on a deeper level. Schedule posts at optimal times in the day, target audiences, and optimize your message through in depth analytics built into the platform.

Start using these tools and start crushing your enhanced marketing strategy. Does your team have tools you use but we didn’t include on the list? We’re always looking to improve productivity and want to hear your feedback. Comment your thoughts below.

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3 Reasons Web Design is So Expensive and Three Ways Esper Circumvents the Model

And why is web design so damn expensive?

Whether you’ve discovered through your own power or taken our How Do You Know You Need a New Website quiz, you’ve made the executive decision it’s high time for a design revamp on the World Wide Web. Through Google search you find a myriad of price calculators for your new site. You handcraft a website with all the specs you desire; a simple 12 page site with responsive design, social media integration and an aesthetic banner rolling across the top. You’re pleased. Closing your eyes, you imagine this beautiful layout and grin at all the leads that will flow in through it. The situation lays out in front of you. Website 2.0 get its first sale. High fives are had by all in the office. You get lifted up on your coworkers shoulders for all the amazing work you’ve done. “Gary! Gary! Gary!” they chant with exaltation.


Then you look at the price tag.



You search for other options. Hope is restored on the third page of Google when you find a site that boasts prices of $1,200, but the broken English and general usability has you extremely concerned. You talk to your marketing team in a last-ditched effort in hopes at least one of them has coding experience from their college days. No luck. Gone is the utopian dream of being the office hero. How, you wonder, can companies justify the prices of their design service?

Well lo’ and behold, these are the three factors that play into the high price of website development:


  1. Overhead and Corporate Structure


Larger web design firms have a wide variety of cost centers; HR departments and outdated marketing practices like unsegmented email campaigns almost double the cost of services.  These expenses need to accounted for. These firms turn to their special skills – primarily web design – to cover for them. Full time employees need benefits that add further to the cost structure that inhibits you from investing.


  1. A low supply and high demand of coders and designers


Simply economics at play severely affect the ability to create a high quality website at a low price. In a survey of 50,000 students, Computer Science majors had the second highest job placement a year out of college (only behind military sciences) and the highest average starting salary at over $66,000. Whether you’re trying to find a rate by project, by hour, or by page, there’s no way around salary.


  1. Price Gouging on Monthly Services


Through customer discovery and various sales calls I’ve been a part of, many times I hear “Company X gave us an offer for a $1,500 website”. By industry standards a quality original website for $1,500 is impossible to come by.


However, this $1,500 is deceivingly expensive. Company X is using the website to get their foot in the door and then jack up the recurring monthly fees like hosting, social media management, and SEO. Company X is hoping clients keep their websites for 2+ years and charge a ridiculous $150+ a month for hosting when hosting only costs them $5 a month. The website margins quickly go from razor thin to bloated. The $1,500 on-a-budget website their client ordered actually costs $5,100 through hidden fees. Company X is mean. Company X wants to take your hard earned money and in return deliver a crappy site.


In short: If you’re ever paying more than $20 a month for hosting, you’re paying too much!


Esper does everything we can to streamline the design and coding process, providing our clients with the best possible products at the lowest prices. Our “secret sauce” is composed of three ingredients. They are as follows:

Contract Labor

One of Esper’s many muses is Uber, a company who disrupted the status quo of the transportation industry by contracting workers. Through our tested process we’ve crafted a trusted network of industry connections. Our network is capable of handling the toughest of tasks with the quickest turnarounds, making our model scalable no matter the size or turnaround of the project.

Low Overhead

As a small business, we all wear many hats at Esper. A lot of the time our founder, Peter, will also act as the janitor at the end of a long strategy session. This means we don’t accrue expenses from cost centers. We’re all providing meaningful output. It also doesn’t hurt that our “office” is a dorm room in Currier Hall at the University of Iowa. Without having to pay for dental insurance, tapping into University resources, and working in multiple concentrations, we’ve streamlined our model, and in turn, our pricing.

Youth and Passion

When push comes to shove, Esper is a group of college students united by a passion to help businesses improve their bottom line through beautiful websites. We work for cheap, work hard, and love every second of what we’re doing. We’re always willing to go the extra mile, and that extra mile won’t cost you an arm and a leg.

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Enhancing Your Online Presence: How to know when it is time for a new website

The fact that you’ve even begun reading this article signifies the fact that you’re questioning whether your website is up to par. We don’t blame you, either. Here at Esper, we closely monitor the newest trends and new standards in web design space come out every quarter. We understand the struggle of providing the best possible interface for your consumers while still trying to balance the budget. But how do you know it’s time (or you’re overdue) for a revamp?


Here’s a few questions to better understand the scope of your situation with a quiz:

Does your website seamlessly integrate between all of your different platforms? (Facebook, Twitter, Medium, your Mailing List)

0 Points: Yes. There’s an aesthetic live feed of our tweets rolling through on our homepage along with buttons that are easily visible so our consumer can easily connect with us.

1 Point: More or less. At the bottom of our site we have a few buttons that link to not-so-active social media pages, but nothing besides that.

2 Points: No. There’s no way you could find our other platforms via our website. Even if you did, there’s no signs of life. We haven’t tweeted since that intern left in 2013.

Does your site reflect your current brand?

0 Points: Completely. While we’ve been growing as a company, we haven’t outgrown the current way our brand is perceived on our site

1 Point: We’ve made a few minor pivots and have some changes in staff in the “About Us” section, but nothing major.

2 Points: We’ve completely overhauled our mission, and we know we need to at least update our content to reflect our new direction

Are you actively tracking metrics from your site?

0 Points: Yes. I can tell you our bounce rate from each page, the unique viewers by week, and how many people came to our site from our last tweet

2 Points: No. Help. (need more here)

Does your website look good on all mobile devices?

0 Points: Yes

2 Points: No

Is your current website easily editable by your internal team?

0 Points: Yes. We have an extremely intuitive CMS that allows us to change our content as we please.

1 point: No. Our old designer created this website, charged us a fortune, and we haven’t seen them since.

Most importantly, is your website continually being utilized as a marketing and sales tool?

0 Points: Yes. We generate leads and in turn sales directly from the people that interact with our content on our site.

1 Point: With the help of a CRM we occasionally turn a visitor into profit.

2 Points: We have never generated a sale from our website


Time how long it takes for your homepage to load after clicking it on google. Add a point for every second (add ranges)


Now recall the last time you revamped your website. Add a point for every year since you did.


If you search for keywords related to your industry and can’t find your site anywhere, add two points.


Here’s how you measure up:

0-4 Points: You’re utilizing your site at full capacity. Your consumers love what you’re doing with the site from content, to aesthetics to usability. These results are hopefully being turn into conversions by your sales team, moving your company forward.

5-8 Points: Your website has a lot of the key components of being successful, but there is some significant room for improvement. Your site could be outdated, out of touch, or lacking the key components successful competitors in your industry possess. A good starting place could be an internal competitive analysis of other competitors, and from there a consultation with design experts like Esper.

8+ Points: You and your company are completely missing out on the affordances that today’s websites provide. Your site is certainly outdated, out of touch, and lacking the key components successful competitors in your industry possess. A website, good or bad, is a huge contributing factor to your brand image. Websites can be a beautiful and multifaceted tool that helps your company flourish, or one that proves completely irrelevant.


Esper prides itself on giving our clientele top of line products. If you even have a shimmer of a doubt on whether your site needs a simple tune up or a total overhaul, contact us for a free consultation today.

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